Marshall County students receive selections to Honors Academy’s and Programs

Marshall County High School students receive special recognition for their selection to the Commonwealth Honors Academy (CHA), Governor’s Scholar Program (GSP), Kentucky Governor’s School for the Arts (GSA), Kentucky Governor School for Entrepreneurs (GSE) and the Carol Martin Gatton Academy for Mathematics and Sciences.

Selected to attend the Commonwealth Honors Academy (CHA) L-R Lyra Duffy and Adelaide Brown
GSP –Selected to the Governor’s Scholar Program (GSP) Top Row L to R: Ethan McCarty and Jesse Jones
Bottom Row L to R: Elizabeth Staples, Cadence Brown, Abigail Bevil
Selected to the Kentucky Governor’s School for the Arts (GSA) L to R: Kayla Keeling, Georgia Hall, Nadia Adamson
Selected to Kentucky Governor’s School for Entrepreneurs (GSE), Jackson McLean (left) and Sarah Umbarger.

Selected to attend the Carol Martin Gatton Academy of Mathemetics and Science, Macey Weaver (left) and Elizabeth Barrett.