Marshall County District 1 Commissioner Justin Lamb is announcing his intention to seek re-election in the May Republican Primary. Lamb who is currently in his first term stated it was an absolute honor to serve the community and wants to continue making Marshall County the best place to live, work, and raise a family.
“Over the last four years, I have offered the people of Marshall County a fresh outlook on county government and brought much needed conservative representation to the fiscal court. With a straight-forward and common-sense approach, I’ve worked with the other members of the court to solve several important issues all while being fiscally responsible with taxpayers’ money,” Lamb stated.
Lamb cited significant progress during his first term including numerous water and sewer expansion projects in unserved areas, investments in local economic development, work toward broadband accessibility, permanent funding for school resource officers, improvements to the county parks system, increased support for local law enforcement and first responders, pay increase for sheriff’s deputies, continued maintenance of county roads and the steady reduction of county property tax rates.
As a full-time commissioner, Lamb has faithfully devoted his efforts to addressing the needs of the people of Marshall County and plans to continue if re-elected to a second term. “I think it is important that elected officials always remember that the reins of government belong to the people. During my first term, I have demonstrated that when government listens to the people and acts on the issues important to them then positive things are accomplished in Marshall County. We still have much more that needs to be done and I would be honored to serve another term so we can continue putting the people of Marshall County first,” Lamb stated.
A native of the Olive community, Lamb and his wife of 12 years, Lexie, are members of Olive Methodist Church and have two children: Gentry, age 3 and Halle, age 2. Lamb attended the Marshall County School System and graduated from Murray State University in 2017. Lamb is a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association, and as county commissioner, sponsored a resolution to make Marshall County a Second Amendment Safe Harbor County which was the first in the state to safeguard gun rights on the local level.
The Republican Primary will be held on May 17, 2022.