KSP to partner with Mayfield PD for “Coffee with a Cop” Event at Mayfield Cracker Barrel

WHAT: ‘Coffee with a Cop’ is a national event taking place across the Country, where citizens and law enforcement can come together and talk. Whether it is discussing community issues or talking about the local football game – the event is designed to build and strengthen relationships.

For more information, visit https://coffeewithacop.com/

WHEN: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 7:00a.m. to 9:00 a.m. CST

WHERE: Cracker Barrel located at, 33 Brian Dive Mayfield KY 42066

WHO: KSP Post 1 troopers, partnering with Mayfield Police Department.

WHY: Coffee with a Cop brings police officers and the community members they serve together–over coffee–to discuss issues and learn more about each other.