Marshall County High School is proud to announce that juniors Luke Wyatt, Conor Washburn and Cody Sorrells have been accepted to attend the American Legion Boys State program, held at Campbellsville University in Campbellsville, KY.
Kentucky Boys State is a highly-regarded leadership training program that enables high school juniors to become a part of the operation of their local, county and state governments. Participants at Boys State attend legislative sessions, court proceedings and law enforcement presentations, and are given training in various topics. They are exposed to the rights and privileges—along with the duties and responsibilities—that come with being a franchised citizen.
The Boys State program first came to Kentucky in 1940; since this initial session, over 20,000 outstanding young men throughout the state have attended the program and learned first-hand about democratic government, good citizenship and governmental operations.
High school juniors are selected to attend the program by their local American Legion Posts. American Legion Post 236 in Calvert City is sponsoring Luke Wyatt and Conor Washburn, and American Legion Post 85 in Benton is sponsoring Cody Sorrells.
Congratulations to Luke Wyatt, Conor Washburn and Cody Sorrells on this incredible opportunity!