As most know, we have a local young man that has auditioned for American Idol! Carson Denfip is a student at Marshall County High School with a passion for music. His Mom, Krystal Denfip, has decided to do a series of stories leading up to his Louisville Audition! First stop was Chattanooga, TN.
The following story comes straight from Krystal to give us insight into how it all started, as well as a few pictures that she supplied.
Chattanooga August 2018
We went up the night before and and stood in line at 4 or 5 am for open call which ended up being about a 6 to 8 hour event. We really didn’t have a clue what would happen or how it would go, it was his first time to ever do anything like this. All morning we heard lots of people practicing around us but not Carson, he just waited. I’m not even sure he had his final songs picked out til the night before. This is how he rolls. He finally did get his guitar out about an hour before it was time for him to actually audition just to tune it. Not too long after that the staff people were all mingling and filming promo shots etc. We would learn later this was different producers. One of them came up to us just started chatting with him gave him a sticker and said I’m not sure if this will help but you might get some extra TV time for this. We guess he liked his style ?? Once again we were like ‘this is cool’ we were just taking it all in. So at that point we still didn’t have a clue what was going on. I would guess more than 3,000 people were there and he auditioned about 150th. When it was his time to audition I was separated away from him.
The process is this: at one time 4 different tables had 4 people each auditioning at the same time. Take note, this was in an open warehouse type building with the interstate right behind them. I couldn’t hear some sing only a couple notes at one time. He had 3 songs ready and I had seen most people only got thru one. When it was his turn I couldn’t see anything really it was too many people and I was short and hauling his Clunky guitar case trying to weasel my way into a spot with other antsy parents. Finally he goes. I can see his back a little and could tell he was playing, and really into it! This seemed to take forever and then he stopped and started again. I first thought, ‘oh no he’s messed up, what’s going on’ but he kept going. The lady next to me that I did not know said is that your son she could tell I was trying to see him I said yeah, she said well he is still singing she said he’s been up there longer than anybody and then she says can you believe they have only gave out ONE ticket at this point. I was kinda like oh wow, this is not looking good.
I had heard some pretty amazing people already go home. So they let all four of his group do their song(s), they step back and wait to be called back up. This was taking forever!! A couple of groups beside them had already been and gone and new people were going. So they finally release the other 3 in his group and the lady beside me says oh wow I think they are giving him a ticket because they are still talking to him. I’m freaking Out and cannot see a thing!! But she was right he was only the 2nd or 3rd one that morning to move up to the next round at that point. I went running across a restricted area and got yelled at, but I finally found my way over to him by sneaking around the back of this building as I’m jumping up over the back wall trying to get to him just to say congratulations! It was comical! He sees me I’m sure by my bouncing hair barreling over a 6 ft wall. He’s surely thinking ‘yep that’s my crazy mom’!!
This was totally a mind blowing day. So many went home that day and their joinery ended there and I heard some amazing singers. Once he was selected to do to the “winners circle“, he’s given a gold piece of paper that says ‘Congratulations your going thru to the next round’! That started another couple hour process of promo pictures and videos, lots of interviews, super super exciting stuff ! As the day progressed more and more people join him in the winner circle I would say about 12 or 13 came out of Chattanooga that we saw. He got to meet a few people that he has stayed in contact with still. So that was the start to the next round and we would be contacted about more for the Atlanta round. He would go perform in front of a few more executive producers. Here’s some pics from that day. Hope you enjoy!
Stay tuned for the next Part of Carson’s Adventure: Atlanta!