Drawing for Seasonal Camping Will Continue as Scheduled at Land Between the Lakes

Land Between the Lakes , KY/TN – January 23, 2018 – Drawings for seasonal camping at
Hillman Ferry Campground and Piney Campground will be on Saturday, January 27, 2018.
Registered participants had been informed that it was canceled due to the government
shutdown. Both drawings will stay on schedule now that we have reopened. Piney
Campground | 9am | Brandon Spring Group Camp Hillman Ferry Campground | 1pm | Grand
Rivers Senior Center Drawings for seasonal camping at Wranglers Campground, Cravens
Bay and Taylor Bay will be held February 3, 2018. Wranglers | 9am | Land Between the
Lakes Administration Building Cravens Bay and Taylor Bay | 11am | Land Between the
Lakes Administration Building To find more information about Land Between the Lakes,
log on to the official website at www.landbetweenthelakes.us or call 1.800.525.7077
or 270.924.2000.