Marshall County Fiscal Court is moving forward with the inner structure of a new consolidated sanitation district board.
Commissioners in a special-called meeting Wednesday approved appointments made by Marshall County Judge-Executive Kevin Neal to serve on the sanitation district board of directors. The five-member board, according to an ordinance adopted Nov. 7, will be responsible for setting district policy, developing plans and working in conjunction with the fiscal court and Marshall County Health Department in projects relating to existing wastewater systems within the county, among other responsibilities. Board members will serve terms of two, three and four years, staggered.
Neal tapped two board members from the District 1 Sanitation board and three from the District 2 Sanitation board to serve on the new consolidated panel. Board members are Randy Green, Bob Turner, Kelly Wilson, Ricky Sirls and Allen Beard.
“Those five board members are existing board members from both districts,” Neal said. “They’re familiar with what’s going on in their districts.”
District 3 Commissioner Rick Cocke said he felt the appointments would do what needed to be done in light of coming changes.
“I know four of the five of them, and I’ve got all the confidence in the world,” Cocke said. “I think this is a good move to consolidate and have the confidence that they can help right the ship and get a business plan together that will return the monies that we’re loaning them on their path.”
The new consolidated district takes the place of Sanitation Districts 1 and 2, formerly serving the Aurora and Draffenville areas, respectively; the court voted to dissolve and merge through an ordinance passed Nov. 7 and set to take effect Jan. 1. The consolidated district comes as the county has inititated ongoing infrastructure improvements – including lift station rehabilitation and replacement – that could total about $7.5 million and will be taken in prioritized phases.
The court also approved the purchase of a new gradall for the Marshall County Road Department. While the court initially budgeted for a lease agreement, commissioners determined it might be better to purchase outright to secure a lower interest rate.
The court awarded Southeastern Equipment Company of Evansville, Ind., the bid, which totaled $365,540. The county has the option to trade in existing equipment for an additional $14,000, which would bring the total to $351,540. The court has determined to attempt to auction the current gradall online through a government site that allows for the sale of surplus equipment to other counties or municipalities, however. The county will set a reserve amount on the surplus gradall equivalent to the trade in value in hopes of selling for a greater value. Should the equipment not sell online, it may still be applied to the trade in.
In other business, the court approved a resolution authorizing Neal to sign documents relating to the lease of a new truck for the road department.