Randy Fox of Benton has announced he will run for Kentucky’s Sixth District House of Representatives seat in 2018. The district includes Marshall County, Lyon County and Reidland.
Fox owns Capstone HR consulting and previously was the HR Director for the Alcan plant in Benton.
“I am running due to my love for western Kentucky and its people,” Fox said. “I’m not a politician, but I do want to give our district a real voice in Frankfort.”
In addition, Fox cites his years of running four union and non-union pension plans at the Alcan plant as one of his reasons for running. “With my HR background, I understand the people side of pensions. And with my MBA, I understand the numbers side of pensions. I know I can help in Frankfort.”
Throughout the last 12 years, Fox has been appointed by three governors to the Bluegrass State Skills Corporation board of directors within the Cabinet for Economic Development to distribute monies provided by the state legislature to businesses around the Commonwealth for employee training and jobs creation. Former Gov. Steve Beshear appointed him chairman of that board, and Gov. Matt Bevin kept him in that capacity.
“I am already in Frankfort every other month working on jobs,” Fox said. “I will certainly be the most qualified candidate for the voters.”
Fox is also on the Barkley Regional Airport Authority Board, commonly known as the Paducah Airport Board. He sees himself as representing all western Kentucky in that role, helping to keep commercial airline service to the area. He said his appointment as the western regional assistant governor for Rotary as another example of his qualifications.
Fox served as a high school football referee for 35 years and is now the assigning secretary for the KHSAA.
“As a referee, you must be cool, calm and collected with everyone else isn’t. I can definitely draw on that when things get hectic in Frankfort.”
Fox has been married to Tina Fisher Fox for 35 years. They have one daughter, Coral Cole; one son-in-law, Frank Cole; and four grandchildren who all live in Calvert City.
Fox and his wife are members of Pathway Baptist Church in Calvert City, where he is the Director of the Missions programs and past deacon and past chairman of the deacons. Tina Fox is the Director of Children’s Ministries at the church. Previously, she was the Principal at Christian Fellowship School.