PADD to host Medicare enrollment workshop

The Purchase Area Development District is sponsoring an upcoming workshop for Medicare beneficiaries on Monday, Nov. 13 at the Marshall County Senior Citizens Center. Individuals may drop by from 11:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. to compare their prescription drug plans for an opportunity to save on its costs or find better coverage. This is a free service of the State Health Insurance Program, which is a part of the PADD’s Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living.

Open Enrollment for Medicare programs began on Oct. 15 and will continue until Dec. 7.

“Now is the time review your Part D prescription coverage to make sure it offers the most benefits, at an affordable cost,” a PADD press release states. “… We encourage all Medicare beneficiaries to attend – especially individuals who are 65 but choose not to participate in Part D plans or who will soon turn 65 years of age.”

Individuals who are planning to attend should bring their Medicare card, list of prescriptions (along with their frequency taken), and the name of their preferred pharmacy.

“During this enrollment period, the PADD has already assisted more than 100 citizens to save $40,000 collectively on their prescription costs,” the release states. “And we’re just getting started.”

For more information about the State Health Insurance Assistance Program contact Carissa Roberson, at 270-247- 9426 or Toll-Free 1-800- 866-4213. The Purchase Area Development District contracts with the Kentucky Department of Aging and Independent Living to provide State Health Insurance Program services in the Purchase Area.