Regardless of what your family is involved in, Cooperative Extension plays a role. For more than 100 years, we’ve been offering something for everyone to help them see returns in their endeavors, careers, finances and more. If you have one acre or more than 1,000, our agriculture and natural resource extension agents can help you with a range of topics that can make you more knowledgeable and profitable. Through research-based education, we bring the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment straight to you.
Our animal and food sciences programs cover beef, dairy, equine, sheep, goats, poultry, swine and meats. Our plant and soil sciences programs include forages, grain crops, soils, tobacco, turf, waste management, water quality and weeds. Our horticulture programs include flowers, fruits, nuts, nursery and landscape, new crops, vegetables and fruits for home, commercial and organic operations. We also offer many programs in forestry, agricultural economics, entomology, plant pathology and biosystems and agricultural engineering.
Our agents and specialists can assist you in taking a soil sample, figuring out the correct feed ration for your livestock, identifying pests, what to plant in your patio garden and so much more.
In 2016, more than 7,000 Kentucky farmers reported an increase in profits by adopting one or more practices recommended by extension. We trained nearly 3,000 Master Loggers to implement new water quality standards based on UK research, and more than 21,400 of our clients adopted best practices to ensure safe water.
Statewide, we collected and processed nearly 38,000 soil tests. More than 400 beef producers experience a collective $504,000 impact by adopting positive herd efficiencies practices. Kentucky poultry producers saw a 20 percent energy savings that trickled down to about $7,300 per farm.
For more information about local agricultural and natural resources extension, contact agent Nikki Bell at the Marshall County Extension office.