Marshall County Sheriff’s Department report May 1, 2017


Capt. Brett Edwards responded to a potential burglary April 24 on Reed Road. A resident reported that an unidentified person entered an outbuilding and stole tools from the property. The investigation remains ongoing.

Deputy Steven Oakley investigated an injury crash about 12:20 p.m. April 27 on Frazier Driver in Gilbertsville. According to police reports, Ryan D. Carr, 20, of Gilbertsville, was eastbound when he suffered a back spasm as he rounded a curve. Carr’s vehicle ran off the road and struck the concrete edge of a driveway.

Deputies Josh Anderson and Luke Rudd responded on April 29 to a disturbance on Rudd Lane. According to police reports, when officers arrived they could hear yelling, screaming and the sound of what officers believed was property being destroyed in the residence. Deputies entered the home and arrested Joshua A. Neeble, 36, of Benton on suspicion of fourth-degree assault upon further investigation. Neeble was housed in the Marshall County Detention Center.