Fiscal Court addresses Shar-Cal bridge removal, new bridge construction

Greg Carlton with Peel and Hollard, gave the Fiscal Court a summary of their insurance coverage to county employees.
Greg Carlton with Peel and Hollard, gave the Fiscal Court a summary of their insurance coverage to county employees.

BENTON – [VIDEO FOLLOWS REPORT] Marshall County Fiscal Court met in regular session Tuesday, October 4, 2016.
Greg Carlton with Peel and Holland updated the court on the county’s benefit rates that have not changed, a reduction in the cost of life insurance and increase in coverage and no changes to other programs. No significant changes have been made to the rates which according to Carlton, is very good news in today’s market. The employer (Fiscal Court) portion of the health care cost for county employees did not change. Peel and Holland will be meeting with all employees during the open enrollment period.

Bryan Cutsinger talked to the Fiscal Court on the bid for new truck which will be a remount and cost approximately $89,000. A remount is a significant savings compared to purchasing a new truck. Cutsinger said it is possible for remounts to be done several times with work done by a reputable company.

Friends of Chestnut Creek
A presentation will be made at the next meeting of the Fiscal Court on October 18th.

Small Business Administration Declaration
A fact sheet covering disaster loans and rates is available for the flooding event that occurred in July. The SBA is available now for consultation at the courthouse in Benton on the second floor.

Senior Citizens Day
Marshall County Senior Citizens Day at the Part will take place on October 14th from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at Mike Miller Park. The event is free with food and door prizes. For more information call 270-527-9860.

East Marshall Fire Department
The East Marshall Fire Department Station 2 on Big Bear Highway will hold an Open House for their new station on October 8th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Everyone is invited to celebrate their new station, visit and meet firefighters and first responders, view the equipment and enjoy BBQ from Hutchins.

The second reading of Budget Amendment Ordinance #2016-11 and Drainage Construction Ordinance #2016-12 were read and approved with the exception of a no vote by Commissioner Bob Gold on the Drainage Construction Ordinance who feels the county should continue the practice of placing and repairing the culverts and drainage areas so they know it has been done right.

Brine Tank Bids
Four bids were received for two 15,000-16,000 gallon vertical poly storage tanks and eight 1,200 to 1,300 gallon poly transport tanks. The low bid from Advance Tank Technology was approved for the amount of $19,546 for the two vertical storage tanks and $18,000 for eight transport tanks.

County Surplus Auction
The county’s surplus auction that was held on Saturday, October 1st by auctioneer Brad Harris brought in $13,806.50. After the expenses of the auctioneer of $3,778.30 the amount made off of the auction is $10,078.20.

DLZ Engineering & Contracting
Shawn Miller was asked to talk to the court about the services they can provide at the Shar-Cal Bridge removal and replacement structure. A full scale survey and investigation is required to determine the best bridge design. The new bridge will be larger with a design that could be ready for construction to start in the spring. The court is anxious to move forward with the engineering and design of the bridge. The bridge is currently closed and barricaded but citizens on four-wheelers are getting around it, cutting cables and crossing it continually as well as people on foot which is very dangerous at this point which the court is working to get stopped.

Water Jetter
Advertisements will be placed for bids on a Water Jetter to clean out culverts for the Road Department.

Harry Waterfield Roadside Park
TVA would like to deed this piece of land to the county. A discussion was held in a court session a few year ago and it was decided at that time to decline the property due to lease fees. If at any point, the county decides they do not want the property they can give it back to TVA. The motion was approved to accept the park.

Toy York Road
A FEMA insurance study was done on Toy York Road which floods quite often. State engineers have looked at it and have come up with two options. FEMA will provide funds for it to go back to the existing ford structure (low water crossing). To make improvements, such as adding a bridge, above what now exists, the county would have to cover. Another option is to shut the road down which the court does not want to do. The court agree to take the most economical route and put the road back to its original state with the ford.

Memo of Agreement
Three more locations with drainage issues need to be added to the memo of agreement.

Audit Report
The Aurora Ross Fire Protection District audit report for year ending June 30, 2015 was accepted by the court.

Treasurer’s Report
An appropriations transfer and intrafund transfer were approved by the court.

Commissioner Gold said he has been approached several times about the court’s support of the rescue squad. Gold said he wanted to emphasis that they are there to support them and wanted to dispel any confusion on this. Judge Neal said they will support those agencies and they can come before the court and present it what the need it.

The next meeting of the Fiscal Court is October 18, 2016.