NCCA history project advances to state contest

New Covenant Christian Academy students, from left, Gianna Dowell, Lathan Cutsinger, Rhys Wheat, and Lincoln Molle competed in the regional National History Day content. Molle is moving on to the state competition with his exhibit about The Bill of Rights.

PADUCAH, Ky. – New Covenant Christian Academy has an individual history project advancing to the statewide competition.

Seventh-grader Lincoln Molle advances to the National History Day state competition after presenting his exhibit, “The Bill of Rights: Foundations for America’s Freedoms,” at the regional event at Murray State’s Paducah campus on March 8.

Eighth-grader Lathan Cutsinger and sixth-graders Rhys Wheat and Gianna Dowell also competed with their group exhibit about Harriet Tubman.

This is the seventh year NCCA history teacher Amanda Smith has included NHD projects as part of her class and had students advance to the state level. NHD is an academic program focused on historical research, interpretation, and creative expression for fourth- through 12th-grade students. Through the process, students develop skills in communication, project management, and historical thinking.

Each year NHD, which is celebrating its 50th year, has a theme for participants. This year’s theme is Rights & Responsibilities in History.

Molle will compete with his projects in the annual state NHD contest on April 26 at the University of Kentucky. State winners will move on to the national competition June 8-12 at the University of Maryland in College Park.

NCCA opened for the 2010-11 school year and offers preschool through high school. Students are exposed to a God-centered, biblically-based education as the foundation of all truth and knowledge. New Covenant is located at 218 College St. in Hardin.