Regular Month Meeting
Benton City Council
March 21, 2016
A public hearing of the Benton City Council was held on Monday, March 21, 2016 at 4:45 P.M to
discuss the City’s intention of applying for a Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant to build a new
pool house.
The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 5:00 P.M. by Mayor Dotson with the Pledge
of Allegiance and opening prayer by Butch Holland.
Council Members Present:
Rita Murray Charles Edmonds
Chris Freeland Tim King – arrived at 5:35 P.M.
Sherra Riley Butch Holland
Other Staff Present:
Marty Johnson, City Attorney
Bethany Cooper, City Treasurer
Tracy Watwood, Police Chief
Kelly Collins, Gas Manager
Harry Green, Fire Chief
City Attorney Johnson read a license agreement between City of Benton and First Baptist Church
to allow the Car Cruise Swap meet to utilize their parking lot. This agreement will be for one year.
Mayor Dotson read a resolution of the City’s intent to apply for the Land and Water
Conservation Fund Grant to apply for a new pool house. A motion was made by Freeland, seconded by
Riley to approve. Motion carried.
Johnson read an ordinance annexing 1.234 acres lying west of Colonial Drive and south of
Kentucky Highway 408 (Oak Level Road) and now owned by Jeffery Darnell, Ashley Darnell and Crystal
Hill. Motion was made by Edmonds, seconded by Holland to accept. Motion carried.
Johnson read an ordinance annexing 8.946 acres including Sunset Drive, Forest Drive and
Rickman Subdivision, south of Kentucky 408 (Oak Level Road), west of Julian Carroll Parkway. Motion
was made by Edmonds, seconded by Holland to accept. Motion carried.
Johnson read the first reading of an ordinance amending section 6.12 of the City of Benton, KY
Zoning Ordinance to provide for an application for a property owner in a mixed use overlay district to
utilize property in that district for a single purpose/residential or commercial.
Mayor Dotson set the spring clean-up dates for April 25 through 29.
Police Chief Watwood read the police report for February. There were 18 cases, 21 accidents,
209 citations of which 185 were for speeding and 361 calls to service. The Council showed their support
to the Police Department for getting out and slowing traffic down.
A motion was made by Riley, seconded by Murray to approve payroll and invoices. Motion
A motion was made by Holland, seconded by Murray to approve the regular minutes of
February 15, 2016 and the special called minutes of February 24, 2016. Motion carried.
Mayor Dotson informed the Council that the City and County planned to join in bidding bulk
items this year such as fuel, rock and paving in hopes to save money.
Rita Murray voiced that she feels a policy needs to be set regarding Council absenteeism and the
pay for missed meetings needs to be adjusted as well.
Mayor Dotson informed the Council of the 12th Street bridge closure. The bridge replacement
project should be done in June.
Mayor Dotson had polled the Council and they all agreed to allow the vendors that set up at
Benton Park under the Marshall County Needline a charge of $25.00 instead of $50.00. This is allowed
since M.C. Needline is a non-profit organization and these vendors are her responsibility.
There being no further business to come before the Council, meeting adjourned at 5:50 P.M.
upon motion of Freeland, seconded by Murray. Motion carried.
Rita Dotson, Mayor
Michele Edwards, City Clerk