Kentucky Dam Fall Paddle canceled due to unsafe river conditions

Calvert City, KY (October 4, 2024) — It is with regret that the City of Calvert City announce the cancellation of the KY Dam Fall Paddle Up, originally scheduled for October 5, 2024, at 9:00 AM at the KY Dam Boat Launch.

Due to rising and swift currents on the Tennessee River caused by upstream rainfall, event organizers, after consulting with the Marshall County Rescue Squad, have determined it is unsafe to proceed. “Each year we look forward to partnering with the Tennessee RiverLine and Calvert Area Development Associations (CADA) to host a spring and fall paddle event. We are disappointed to have to cancel this year’s event, but the safety of our participants is our top priority,” said Blair Travis, director of marketing, communications, and business development for the City of Calvert City.

We want to thank everyone who registered for the event and hope to see you for the next Paddle Up in 2025. Please follow us on Facebook @calvertcityky for new dates. For further questions, contact Calvert City Hall at 270-395-7138.