September 11 reminds us that we are stronger together

Representative Chris Freeland

I usually use my legislative update to share information about the Kentucky General Assembly and state government. However, with the 23rd anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11 looming ahead, I would like to take an opportunity to reflect not only on the tragedy of that day, but also on the hope and courage that we found in the days and weeks afterwards.

Like many of you, I can still remember where I was when I first heard about the attacks. My mind travels back almost immediately to the planes hitting the World Trade Center Towers, then to the towers falling to the ground. Just as previous generations of Americans held the memories of Pearl Harbor and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, it is the historic event shared by this generation. The tragedy soon gave way to disbelief as we learned how Al Queda leader Osama Bin Laden’s plot became reality. From the early morning hours when 19 men hijacked four fuel-loaded commercial airliners with the intent to turn them into weapons of mass destruction. When they finished, 2,977 people were dead, more than 6,000 were injured, and our entire nation was reeling.

This tragedy could have very easily defined this time in our nation’s history. Instead, I think it is better defined by what followed. The terror attacks of September 11 had one effect that the terrorists never could have imagined – they united our nation. After all, who can think of September 11 without recalling our first responders rushing towards the towers? Seeing the image of three firemen hoisting the United States Flag over the remains of ground zero? Who can talk about the attacks without remembering that, while the terrorists planned four attacks, they were only able to deliver three because of the tremendous courage of a plane-full of everyday people?

The sense of unity in the days following the attacks comes from having a shared enemy. However, it can also come from having a shared purpose. After all, we are stronger together. This very idea is incorporated into our state seal, with the words “United We Stand, Divided We Fall” surrounding a buckskin-clad pioneer shaking the hand of a suit-wearing, city living counterpart. Kentucky is a diverse state, with very strong-minded regions and a pride in our way of life. We have challenges and opportunities in our urban and rural areas. They may differ based on local economies, priorities and goals, but we want opportunities for all Kentuckians to succeed.

Even when we do not agree, it is critical that we remain respectful of each other. In this day and age, our society seems so quick to take to social media with hate-filled, negative words that can have a lasting effect. Those very words can cripple any ability to work together.

So, as we reflect this week on the anniversary of September 11, let us all remember that even in our darkest hours we are stronger together.

As always, I can be reached anytime through the toll-free message line in Frankfort at 1-800-372-7181. You can also contact me via e-mail at and keep track through the Kentucky legislature’s website at
