Intermittent Work Zone Lane Restrictions along U.S. 51 in Clinton starting Tuesday, June 20


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Kentucky Transportation Cabinet • District 1


Survey work and Geotech drilling for planning/design of future project

PADUCAH, Ky. (June 20, 2023)  A contractor for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) plans intermittent work zone lane restrictions along U.S. 51/Main Street in Clinton starting Tuesday, June 20, 2023.

Motorists traveling U.S. 51 in Hickman County should be alert for work zone lane restrictions between mile point 6.7 just north of the Martin Road intersection and mile point 8.3 just north of the KY 703/Spring Street intersection.

The crew will initially be doing survey work to aid in planning and design of a future project along U.S. 51/Main Street in Clinton to correct geometric deficiencies, improve safety and enhance regional connectivity.  A Geotech drilling crew will also be working at a number of locations in this area.

Motorists should be alert for short sections of one-lane traffic with alternating flow controlled by flaggers.  Some minor delays are possible during the movement and placement of equipment to facilitate the work.

Appropriate caution is required where equipment, flaggers, and survey personnel are along the roadway in close proximity to traffic flow.

This work is expected to be completed by the end of the week.

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