Fairdealing-Olive Fire District accepting nominations for landowner board position

The Fairdealing-Olive Fire District will be accepting nominations for the position of landowner on its Board of Trustees.  There will be an election held for the position on August 26th, 2023 at the Fairdealing-Olive Fire Department located at 8045 US Highway 68 East Benton, KY 42025.  Nominations for the position will be accepted until July 28th, 2023.

The requirements to be a nominee are as follows: be a citizen of the Commonwealth, be at least 21 years of age, own real estate property within the Fairdealing-Olive Fire District which is subject to the Fire District tax, reside within the Fairdealing-Olive Fire District, and not be an active Firefighter.

Nomination forms can be picked up at the Fairdealing-Olive Fire Department.  The forms can be located in the foyer of the Fire Department.  The form should be returned via mail to the Fire Department address of 8045 US Highway 68 East Benton, KY 42025 with a postmark of no later than July 28th, 2023.