Gov. Beshear Presents Nearly $8 Million in Awards To Benefit Livingston and Marshall Counties

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Funds support local food bank, education, tourism, cleaner water and local nonprofits

SMITHLAND, Ky. (May 15, 2023) – Today, at Livingston Central High School, Gov. Andy Beshear presented $7,968,505 in awards to support tourism, cleaner water, local nonprofits, renovations on the Livingston Central High School pool and renovations on the Marshall County Caring & Needline Food Pantry.

“Today’s announcements mean that families in Western Kentucky are going to have access to clean water and better educational resources,” Gov. Beshear said. “On top of that, we’re promoting local tourism and supporting nonprofits that make such a difference for this community, like a food bank that feeds hundreds of families a month. As Governor, and especially as a dad, nothing is more important to me than building a better Kentucky for all of our people.”

“We are deeply grateful for the investment of resources that Governor Beshear’s administration and the General Assembly have made into the growth of Livingston County,” said Livingston County Judge/Executive Garrett Gruber. “These funded projects will assist the county in our goals of providing superior services for our residents in a multitude of areas. These projects will improve vocational education development in our school system, provide reliable water/sewer infrastructure and improve other important community services throughout the county. These projects are sturdy examples of the progress we can make when we set partisan politics aside and instead come to the table together as problem solvers for the people we represent.”

“We are very excited to see this much-needed funding be awarded to Marshall County organizations,” said Marshall County Judge/Executive Kevin Spraggs. “The nonprofit sector and tourism industry both play a vital role in the success of Marshall County as a whole, and we thank Governor Beshear for his commitment to seeing both succeed in the commonwealth.”

Food Pantry Renovation
The Governor awarded $1 million to the City of Benton and Marshall County Caring Needline to support the renovation of their food pantry. Renovation work will include a redesign of the warehouse to increase safety and efficiency and the installation of freezer space and storage. The renovations will allow Marshall County Caring Needline to better serve the over 282 families per month and the additional 325 seniors per month who rely on the facility for food.

The funding comes through the Community Development Block Grant Coronavirus Response (CDBG-CV) program, which is administered by the Department for Local Government.

Local Area Vocational Education Center Award
The Governor awarded $5,687,000 to Livingston Central High School to support renovation costs for The Livingston County Career and Technical Center.

“The Livingston County Career and Technical Center renovation grant will directly impact students’ lives ensuring they are ready to embark on a career after high school with skills immediately transferable in the marketplace,” said Dr. David A. Meinschein, superintendent of Livingston County Schools. “We appreciate the Governor and legislators’ support of career and technical education. The grant will allow Livingston County Schools to continue creating a world-class educational system for the students and community of Livingston County and have a positive impact on economic development in the region.”

Tourism Marketing Funding
Gov. Beshear awarded $95,000 to the Kentucky Lake Convention and Visitors Bureau to attract meetings and conventions and $47,455 to the Grand Rivers Tourism Commission to support travel marketing and promotion.

“The Grand Rivers Tourism Commission is honored and sincerely appreciates the funds made available by Governor Beshear and the great Commonwealth of Kentucky,” said Brian McDonald, executive director of the Grand Rivers Tourism Commission. “The funds will allow the commission to advertise Grand Rivers, Kentucky, as a vacation destination and promote tourism greatly to other parts of our state on television stations in Lexington and Louisville, as well as billboards along the interstate to inform travelers of Grand Rivers. In addition, Grand Rivers Tourism will have a larger presence in the wonderful Kentucky Tourism Visitor’s Guide published by the Kentucky Department of Tourism. The opportunity to have this funding to promote tourism in Grand Rivers with this magnitude will increase tourism to our area, surrounding areas, and local businesses and benefit the community as a whole.”

The Governor awarded $100,000 to the West Kentucky Disc Golf Project to support multicounty collaborative destination marketing. The project aims to create a regional disc golf experience by promoting courses located across participating jurisdictions.

The award is part of the $75 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding supported by the Governor and allocated by the General Assembly in the 2022 legislative session. The funds are used to boost the state’s tourism industry and economy following the decline in visitors brought on by the pandemic. Funding is distributed by the Kentucky Department of Tourism to eligible tourism organizations throughout the commonwealth.

Cleaner Water Program
Gov. Beshear announced the commitment of $275,899 in funding to the Crittenden-Livingston County Water District for two projects. These projects will replace old water filters and support waterline extensions. The Governor also awarded $150,000 to the City of Salem for water main replacements, as well as $114,000 to the City of Smithland for the Smithland Lagoon Rehabilitation Project.

Funded by ARPA and administered by the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, $500 million has been appropriated through a bipartisan agreement with the General Assembly to provide clean drinking water and wastewater grants to fund projects across Kentucky since 2021. The 2022 funding will be allocated based on each county’s proportion of the state’s population, with the exception of Jefferson County’s share, which is discounted by 50% based on its high per capita allocation from the federal act. As the project progresses, the utility will be reimbursed by Cleaner Water Program funds.

Nonprofit Assistance Fund
The Governor awarded nearly $500,000 in awards to nine local nonprofits in Livingston and Marshall counties. The awards come from the Nonprofit Assistance Fund, which is helping organizations across Kentucky recover from the impacts of the pandemic. The funding comes from ARPA, and Gov. Beshear supported the allocation of funds by the 2022 General Assembly. This funding will provide one-time direct relief payments to support the mission and long-term sustainability of each eligible nonprofit.

For Livingston County, the awards include:

  • $100,000 to Cumberland River Homes;
  • $7,429.79 to Livingston County Historical & Genealogical Society; and
  • $2,108.31 to St. Anthony of Padua, Grand Rivers.

For Marshall County, the awards include:

  • $100,000 to Marshall County Association for Exceptional Children & Adults;
  • $100,000 to St. Henry Parish of Aurora;
  • $73,308 to the Calvert City Convalescent Center;
  • $56,518.42 to St. Pius Tenth Parish of Calvert City;
  • $53,231 to Marshall County Commission for the Arts; and
  • $6,557 to Marshall County Caring.

“Cumberland River Homes utilized the funds to assist in navigating the perfect storm of increased operational costs, staffing shortages, and revenue loss,” said Cumberland River Homes President and CEO Jim Wring. “The help came at just the right time.”

“I am incredibly grateful for those on the ground here in Livingston and Marshall counties who dedicate themselves daily to improving service and bettering the lives of residents,” said Sen. Danny Carroll of Benton. “The legislature had a responsibility to effectively allocate available one-time funds, and I am pleased those dollars continue to find their way to my home of Marshall County and the 2nd Senate District.”

“I’m pleased with today’s announcement of funding for the Local Area Vocational Education Center in Livingston County and funds going towards the cleaner water program,” said Rep. Randy Bridges of Paducah. “The LAVEC funding is going to bring new opportunities for students. The program is a result of a bipartisan agreement in the budget passed during the 2022 regular session. I am proud to be a part of a legislature that supports our students and future workers.”

“The funding announced today will go a long way in Marshall County by aiding nonprofit organizations and increasing our tourism,” said Rep. Chris Freeland of Benton. “Our local nonprofits strengthen the community by providing educational, health and social services. Additionally, the tourism marketing funding will increase tourism to Kentucky Lake State Park. Tourism plays an integral role in our economy.”
