Beau Dodson with Beau Dodson weather joined us recently on WCBL’s Coffee Call program. Dodson says this has been a very nice autumn, but also an extremely dry one. And he says this time of year there is always the threat of severe weather so it’s important to plan ahead and know what you will do in case of threatening weather. Dodson says he doesn’t see any severe weather in the near future, but with the Gulf of Mexico being above normal temperature, that could change in a few weeks. Find out more about the weather by going to www.beaudodsonweather.com. Or check out his Facebook page.
Listen to a portion of the Coffee Call interview by following the link at the bottom of the homepage of www.marshallcountydaily.com. And listen to Coffee Call live each weekday morning at 8:30 on AM 1290 WCBL and 99.1 FM WCBL.