Calvert City Community Advisory Team awards $3,972.00 in fall mini grants to area schools

Calvert City, KY – October 3, 2022 – The Calvert City Community Advisory Team (CCCAT) awarded $3,972.00 in mini-grants for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) for fall 2022 to local schools.


Four fall mini grants were awarded to three schools in Marshall County and one school in Livingston County based on four approved teacher applications:

  • Teachers Miller and King, South Marshall Elementary School – K to 5th Grades, “Story Book Stem,” mini-grant award $1,000.00.
  • Teachers Colley and James, South Marshall Middle School – 6th Grade, “Bee Better: Save the Bees,” mini-grant award $1,000.00.
  • Teachers Hamlet and Murphy, Sharpe Elementary School – 4th Grade, “Roller Coaster Challenge,” mini-grant award $972.00.
  • Teacher Keller, South Livingston Elementary School – 1st Grade, “Mrs. Keller’s Garden,” mini-grant award $1,000.00.

“As members of the Calvert City Community Advisory Team, we are pleased to continue to support the efforts of our local teachers, students, and school systems through our mini-grant program. Such efforts allow our teachers to teach the importance of pursuing students’ interests in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. We look forward to future collaborations with the schools in Livingston and Marshall Counties,” said Jeremy Rowe – Lead Plant Environmental Engineer, Arkema.

The Calvert City Community Advisory Team

The CCCAT members approve applications for mini grants each spring and fall. Major grants and scholarships are approved each spring. The next round of mini-grant applications will be emailed to the local schools in Marshall and Livingston Counties in the spring of 2023. The grants and scholarships are funded by the 11 Calvert City plant members.

Formed in 1992, the Calvert City Community Advisory Team membership includes area residents and representatives from 11 Calvert City chemical and industrial plants. The team meets eight times a year to discuss issues and share information of interest to both residents and the plants. The group provides a forum for the plants to interact directly with the community.

The 11 Calvert City companies that participate in the advisory team are Arkema, Inc.; Ashland; Clean Earth, Inc. (now Harsco Corporation); Carbide Industries, LLC; Cymetech Corporation; Estron Chemical, Inc.; Evonik Corporation; Lubrizol Advanced Materials; Sekisui SC; Wacker Chemical Corporation; and Westlake Vinyls, Inc.