Twenty-five teams participated in the 6th Annual Preston Cope Wiffleball Tournament on Saturday, Sept. 14. The rain didn’t keep their spirits down and they were able to have a rain-free tournament.
Lots of fun was had by all and at the end of the day, raised nearly $9000.00 for the Preston Cope Foundation, which gives scholarships to Marshall County seniors each year and to help children in the community.
Next year’s event is already scheduled for Sept. 13, 2025. Make plans to get a team together and join in the fun!
Thanks to all of our wonderful volunteers and sponsors. Without them this wouldn’t be possible.
Thanks to all of our sponsors:
City of Calvert City
Reliable Electric
Marshall County Schools
Larry and Bonnie Cope
Marshall County
Paducah Sun/ Tribune Courier
Thank everyone in our community for the support!!
God Bless!
The Copes

More photos from Saturday’s 6th Annual Preston Cope Wiffleball Tournament.