Ford places third at the Zone 3 Championship Skeet Tournament

The Zone 3 skeet championships were held this weekend in St. Joe, Indiana. Zone 3 consists of Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia. Sixty-one of the best shooters from the zone participated in the very windy conditions.

Les Lala of Louisville won the high overall event with 396/400 and Dr. Kenneth Ford of Sharpe placed third with 393/400 and was the senior division champion. The 12g winner was Jack Crispin of Berkey, Ohio with 99/100. Andrew Bielman of Burton, Mi. won the 20g event with 100/100. Jody Stevenson of Calvert City placed AA2 and Ford placed AA3 both with 99/100. The 28g event was won by Joe Charles of Ashland, Ky with 100/100. Ford placed AA3 with 99/100 and Gavin Stevenson of Benton placed AA4 with 98/100. Les Lala won the 410 event with 100/100 and Ford placed AA1 with 99/100. Gavin Stevenson placed AA3 with 97/100. The Kentucky State Championships will be held this coming weekend at the Calvert City Gun Club.