Calvert City Police Department receives 100% on Safety and Liability Review

Calvert City Police Chief Mike Canon and Captain Wes Babcock receive plaque presented by Kentucky League of Cities Senior Law Enforcement Liaison, John Clark, documenting a 100% score on the 2024 Safety and Liability Review on May 21.

Calvert City, Kentucky (May 21, 2024) – Kentucky League of Cities (KLC) Senior Law Enforcement Liaison, John Clark, presented Calvert City Police Chief Mike Canon and Captain Wes Babcock with a plaque documenting a 100% score on the 2024 Safety and Liability Review on May 21 at the police station.

The KLC Safety and Liability Reviews are used to assist KLC insurance members and encourage cities to implement best practices in their day-to-day operations. Combined with a site visit, this tool gives Calvert City suggestions on how to improve and ultimately reduce losses. Areas of review included vehicle operations, firearms/response to resistance, training, leadership, equipment, facility, officer conduct, searches, and investigations along with a plethora of policies and procedures. The review is completed every two years, and the Calvert City Police Department has maintained a 100% score since 2007.KLC members can save money on their insurance premiums each year if their score is between 40% and 100%. The reviews are designed to make cities a safer place to live and work.

“Calvert City takes pride in the safety of our community. Congratulations to Chief Canon and his employees for implementing these best practices in our city,” said Mayor Gene Colburn.

For more information, please contact Calvert City Hall at (270) 395-7138 or email