Happy New Year from the Sharpe Homemakers!

We started our new year in September with 24 members and a new club president, Corinne Pombert. Since September, the club has been busy with our on-going projects, as well as our monthly Community Outreach Projects. In October, the Sharpe Homemakers paid a visit to the Hope Clinic. We thanked them for all they do to help the women of our community when they are faced with an unexpected pregnancy. Each employee was given a delicious Granny Smith Apple and of course caramel to dip it in!  Pictured is some of the staff from Hope Clinic. Left to right Natalie Bradley, Pat Wyatt, and Jessica Jaco. 

The Benton Courthouse was the recipient of our November outreach. Since it was just after the election, we thought they could use a pick me up and a pat on the back. Each employee received a treat bag with a yummy fall trail mix inside. Shown below is Judge Executive, Kevin Spraggs, accepting the basket of goodies on behalf of the employees.
In November, the Homemakers donated enough food for two local families to have a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. In December, we collected money and donated it to the Sharpe and Calvert Family Resource Centers to help families in need at Christmas. We have lots of fun activities coming up this spring including Game Day on March 25, from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM at the Marshall County Extension Office.

If you are interested in becoming a Homemaker, please call the Marshall County Extension Office at 270-527-3285.