Prepare for frigid temps this weekend


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❄️🌬️💧Now is the time to disconnect all water hoses from hydrants before the wet,freezing weather arrives!💧🌬️⛄️


❄️❄️🌬️If you have a well prepare now! If you loose water it will be several days before we thaw! Go outside and look at your heat lamp and make sure it is working. Make sure your well house is insulated.
So many say “I know it had a light” after the fact. 🌬️❄️❄️
January 11, 2024
Today is the day to prepare for pipe busting cold that will arrive Friday night and continue into next weekend. Several waves of cold air.
There will be some nights with lows in the single digits (below zero if we have a snowpack).
This artic cold wave event will be similar to the December 2022 event.
❄️🌬️From the weatherman:The artic temps are coming so be prepared, not scared!😱 🌬️❄️