On Dec 21, 2023, at approximately 4:00pm deputies conducted a traffic stop on N 12th St. in Murray. The driver was found to be in possession of illicit drugs. He was arrested on the below listed charges and lodged at the Calloway County Detention Facility.
William R. Tubbs, 45
Unknown Address
Poss of Contr Sub 1st Deg, 1st Off- Methamphetamine (Class D felony)
Poss of Drug Paraphernalia
Poss of Contr Sub 2nd Deg- Drug Unspecified
Poss of Marijuana
No Registration Plate
Failure to Produce Insurance Card

On Dec17, 2023, at approximately 6:30am deputies located Glen Bayless in a vehicle in Hazel who had an arrest warrant issued by Graves County for a probation violation. He was found to be in possession of illicit drugs at the time of his arrest. He was lodged at the Calloway County Detention Center on the below listed charges.
Bayless was found guilty for possession of methamphetamine twice prior. Both were in February 2023, once in Graves County and once in Calloway County.
Glen A. Bayless, 37
Hazel, Ky
Poss of Contr Subst 1st Deg, 3rd Off- Methamphetamine (Class D felony)
Poss of Drug Paraphernalia
Probation Violation for Felony Offense- Graves County