Masonic Lodge Celebrates 150 Years of Service

Citizens from the community and Masonic members from across the Commonwealth posed for a group photo during the special celebration of 150 years of service for the Calvert City Masonic Lodge.

Calvert City, Kentucky, (August 21, 2023) – The Masonic Lodge members held a special celebration for their 150 years of service to the Calvert City community at their lodge on August 19.

The Calvert City Masonic Lodge was chartered on October 24, 1873. The first grand lodge of Kentucky was chartered on November 17, 1788. The Masons’ jurisdiction of Kentucky is composed of 30 districts and 10 regions. Calvert City is in District 2, Region 1, and is currently led by Nathan Freeman. Tracing the origin back to King Solomon, the Masons are the oldest fraternal organization in history. Currently Calvert City has over 100 members.

The celebration included a meal and fellowship with citizens and Masonic members from across the Commonwealth. With the help of Senator Danny Carroll and Ronnie Payne, a resolution was made on the Senate floor honoring the charter’s 150 years.

Grand Lodge Officers – Grand Lodge Officers pose with Calvert City Master, Nathan Freeman
Local Lodge Officers posed for a group photo during the 150th celebration of service of the Calvert City Masonic Lodge.
Masonic members, Ronnie Payne and Chris Harrington pose for a photo during the 150th celebration of service of the Calvert City Masonic Lodge.
Community members fellowshipped over a meal with members from the Masonic Lodge.