One lane in each direction from 9 a.m., to 3 p.m., each day
PADUCAH, Ky. (July 28, 2023) – As part of ongoing reconstruction of KY 1286/North Friendship Road between U.S. 45 and U.S. 62 in McCracken County, a subcontractor plans lane restrictions along a section of U.S. 45/Lone Oak Road on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 1 & 2, 2023.
U.S. 45/Lone Oak Road will be restricted to one lane in each direction at the Lakeview Drive intersection at mile point 7.141 from 9 a.m., to 3 p.m., CDT, on Tuesday and Wednesday. This work zone is to allow boring under the roadway to provide electrical connections for a new traffic signal to be constructed at the intersection.
The work zone lane configuration will change from time to time during the day as the work requires. Some delays are possible during the movement and placement of equipment to facilitate the work.
Caution is required where equipment and construction personnel are along the roadway in close proximity to traffic flow.
As a reminder, KY 1286/North Friendship Road is closed to through traffic to allow full reconstruction of the roadway between U.S. 45 and U.S. 62. Local access will be maintained for business owners and property owners via each end of the project. Due to excavations along the project between Seneca Lane and Old Friendship Road, no traffic will be able to pass through this construction corridor.
Lakeview Drive is closed at Magnolia Lane. Old Friendship Road and Seneca Lane are closed at the KY 1286/Old Friendship Road Construction Corridor.
This closure of KY 1286/North Friendship Road and side roads along the construction corridor are expected to remain in place until late fall.
Motorists seeking to make a connection between U.S. 45 and U.S. 62 in the Lone Oak area should use the Connector Roads/Jack Paxton Boulevard at the I-24/U.S. 45/U.S. 62 Paducah Exit 7 Interchange.
This Phase I of the KY 1286/North Friendship Road reconstruction project includes the section between U.S. 45/Lone Oak Road and U.S. 62/Blandville Road in the Lone Oak area of McCracken County.
Jim Smith Contracting of Grand Rivers is the prime contractor on this $6,338,335 highway improvement project. The target completion date for Phase I is November 30, 2024.
The project includes a new connection to U.S. 45/Lone Oak Road, realignment of curves, and a multi-use trail.
For more information on Phase I of the KY 1286/North Friendship Road reconstruction project and future phases to follow, please go to and look under Featured Projects for the KY 1286/Friendship Road in McCracken County link.
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