Tammy Blackwell, director of the Marshall County Library system and Lenisa Jones, Benton branch manager joined us recently on WCBL’s Coffee Call program. This has been a very busy summer for all three branches of the library with great attendance for the many programs they offer. And Blackwell reminds you with your library card you can access digital content including old newspapers, yearbooks, oral histories of Marshall County and lots more. Books Clubs are in full swing and for more information on all the services and programs at the library, go to www.marshallcolibrary.org or call 270-527-9969.
Listen to a portion of the Coffee Call interview by following the link at the bottom of the homepage of www.marshallcountydaily.com. And listen to Coffee Call live each weekday morning at 8:30 on AM 1290 WCBL and 99.1 FM WCBL.