Gov. Beshear Announces $2.1 Million in Awards to Benefit Washington County

Kentucky State Seal



Funds support transportation projects, internet expansion, cleaner water, nonprofits and tourism marketing

SPRINGFIELD, Ky. (May 12, 2023) – Today, Gov. Andy Beshear announced $2.1 million to support transportation projects, internet expansion, cleaner water, nonprofits and tourism marketing in Washington County.

“Every dollar we announced today is going to improve the lives of Kentuckians,” said Gov. Beshear. “We’re improving infrastructure, strengthening some amazing nonprofits and bringing more people to Kentucky. Today is the result of a lot of hard work and will bring Kentucky closer to the brighter future we all want.”

“The citizens of Washington County want to thank Gov. Beshear for funding that enhanced community travel, water and sewer, internet and local charities,” said Washington County Judge/Executive Tim Graves. “These dollars have a positive impact on small communities; without state support, these projects are not obtainable.”

Road Resurfacing
Gov. Beshear announced that $260,011 was awarded to Washington County to help resurface part of Gordon Ford Lane and all of Booker Road. The work is complete on both roads.

Gordon Ford Lane is the access road to the Marathon truck stop right off the Bluegrass Parkway. Over the last 13 years, the road had deteriorated into hazardous conditions. Booker Road houses multiple businesses and serves as a thoroughfare for the Kentucky Bourbon Trail.

Expanding High-Speed Internet
As part of his Better Internet Plan, Gov. Beshear announced a $1,090,982 grant to Bardstown Connect. This investment will help expand access to high-speed internet to 1,061 currently unserved households and businesses located in Bullitt, Nelson, Spencer and Washington counties.

Under House Bill 320 and House Bill 382, a bipartisan agreement enacted by the 2021 General Assembly and signed into law by Gov. Beshear, Kentucky’s Broadband Deployment Fund includes $300 million in state funds earmarked to address the connectivity needs of unserved and underserved communities across the commonwealth.

Cleaner Water Program
Gov. Beshear announced the commitment of $730,576 in funding to the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission for three projects. These projects will upgrade the sewer system, replace over 900 outdated residential water meters and look at ways Springfield can improve its water distribution system.

Funded by the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and administered by the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority, $500 million has been appropriated through a bipartisan agreement with the General Assembly to provide clean drinking water and wastewater grants to fund projects across Kentucky since 2021. The 2022 funding will be allocated based on each county’s proportion of the state’s population, with the exception of Jefferson County’s share, which is discounted by 50% based on its high per capita allocation from the federal act. As the project progresses, the utility will be reimbursed by Cleaner Water Program funds.

Tourism Funding
Gov. Beshear awarded $16,686 to the Springfield Tourism Commission to support travel marketing and promotion. The funding is part of the $75 million ARPA funding announced by the Governor in July to boost the state’s tourism industry and economy following the decline in visitors brought on by the pandemic.

“On behalf of the Springfield Tourism Commission, I would like to express our gratitude for receiving ARPA Funds made available to us through Gov. Beshear’s administration,” said Lora Justice, executive director of the Springfield Tourism Commission. “The funding will give us the tools to help promote Springfield as part of the collective greatness of the state of Kentucky.”

The funds are distributed by the Kentucky Department of Tourism to eligible tourism organizations throughout the commonwealth.

Nonprofit Assistance Fund
The Governor awarded $2,067 to two nonprofits in Washington County. The awards come from the Team Kentucky Nonprofit Assistance Fund, which is helping organizations across Kentucky recover from the effects of the pandemic. The funding comes from ARPA, and Gov. Beshear supported the allocation of funds by the 2022 General Assembly. This fund will provide one-time direct relief payments to support the mission and long-term sustainability of each eligible nonprofit.

Gov. Beshear presented the following awards:

  • $1,410 to New Pioneers for a Sustainable Future.
  • $657 The Salvation Army of Washington County.

“New Pioneers for a Sustainable Future is a nonprofit organization founded in Springfield, Kentucky, in 2005,” said Whitney Wurzel, executive director of New Pioneers for a Sustainable Future. “Our mission is to promote sustainable living in rural Kentucky communities. Through the Team Kentucky Nonprofit Assistance Fund, we were able to offer free nature-based field trips to over 100 K-12 children. We were thrilled to be part of a statewide effort that encouraged outdoor learning. Our sites showcased the natural beauty and ecological integrity of rural central Kentucky, making them the perfect classrooms.”

Legislator Quotes
“I appreciate the Governor recognizing the good work of the Kentucky General Assembly and celebrating awards supporting transportation, better internet, cleaner water, tourism and nonprofits,” said Sen. Jimmy Higdon of Lebanon.

“It is such an honor to see the work of the legislature directly benefit the people of Washington County,” said Rep. Kim King of Harrodsburg. “These grants will improve the roads and encourage tourism for people to see what Washington County has to offer. Also, these grants will further advance our communities by funding nonprofits, sewers and improving high-speed internet. The people of Washington County deserve these awards, and as long as I am in the legislature, I will fight for the people of Washington County.”
