Calloway County Police Reports

On Apr 18, 2023, at approximately 3:30pm deputies were called to the Calloway County Probation and Parole Office because Jeffrey Coday was there and had a warrant. The warrant was taken by Calloway County Sheriff’s Department after an investigation of Mr. Coday possession methamphetamine at his workplace on Mar 1, 2023. Upon being arrested he was searched and again was in possession of methamphetamine. He was arrested on the below listed charges and lodged at the Calloway County Detention Center.
Jeffrey Coday, 43
Murray, KY
Possession of Cont Sub 1st Deg, 2nd Off (Meth)-Warrant Possession of Cont Sub 1st Deg 2nd Off (Meth)
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'CODAY, JEFFREY'
On Apr 18, 2023, at approximately 9:00pm deputies attempted to stop the below listed individual for traffic violations in the area of Radio Rd and Roosevelt Rd. The subject disobeyed the direction to stop his vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. He then turned down Trout Rd into an open field and took off on foot. He was located and then resisted arrest. He was lodged at the Calloway County Detention Center on the below listed charges.
Erskin Estes, 45
Benton, KY
Disregarding a Stop Sign
Fleeing or Evading Police 1st Deg (Motor Vehicle) Fleeing or Evading Police 2nd Deg (On Foot) Resisting Arrest
Operating on a Suspended/Revoked License Failure to Produce Insurance Card
Failure to Register/Transfer Motor Vehicle
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'ESTES, ERSKIN'
On Apr 18, 2023, deputies made contact with a subject walking down Lancaster Road near Hwy 94 East. His name was run through dispatch, and it was found that he had an active arrest warrant from an incident that occurred on Jan 25, 2023 that Murray Police Department investigated. When asked to stop the suspect fled on foot. Deputies were able to stop the subject who then resisted arrest. He was taken into custody and lodged at the Calloway County Jail on the below listed charges.
Tyler Figueroa, 28
Murray, KY
Complaint Warrant Charges:
Assault 4th Deg (Domestic Violence) Strangulation 1st Deg
Current Charges:
Fleeing or Evading Police 2nd Deg (On Foot) Resisting Arrest
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'FIGUEROA, TYLER'
On Apr 11, 2023 deputies were called to the 3000 block of Old Newburg Road in reference to a motorcycle in the ditch. The caller stated that they were doing some excavating for the property owner when they saw the glint of a shiny object in the ditch which was approximately 10 feet deep. It was then discovered that it was a person who had crashed a motorcycle.
It appears the motorcycle, driven by Christopher Nanney, 42 of Murray, Ky., was traveling eastbound on Old Newburg Rd when it left the roadway on the left side sliding through some leaves and exited the roadway when the brake was applied. The motorcycle then hit a drainage pocket with large rocks, disturbing the rocks and trees as it went airborne across the ditch line and impacted on the other side causing the motorcycle to land on top of the driver. The Calloway County Coroner pronounced Mr. Nanney deceased at the scene. It appeared that he had been there for some time before he was found. Calloway County Fire-Rescue assisted in traffic control.
No photo description available.
On Apr 7, 2023 at approximately 6:30 am deputies responded to a residence on Hwy 121N where it was reported that the below listed individual attempted to set a truck on fire with gasoline that was close to the residence. The suspect fled the scene before deputies arrived. He was later located in a wood line in that area where he ran on foot from deputies. He was detained and lodged at the Calloway County Jail on the below listed charges.
Adam Dugger, 29
Arson 2nd Degree
Fleeing or Evading Police 1st Deg
Harassment (No Physical Contact)
Criminal Mischief 2nd Deg (Warrant)
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'DUGGER, ADAM'
On Apr 7, 2023 the below listed subject was in a verbal alteration with another subject when he pushed them to the ground and began strangling them which wantonly impeded their normal breathing. He was charged with the below listed charges and lodged at the Calloway County detention facility.
Kristian Lawson, 20
Murray Ky
Assault 4th (Domestic Violence) Minor Injury
Strangulation 2nd Degree
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'LAWSON, KRISTIAN'
On Apr 2, 2023 at approximately 7:30pm deputies responded to the 2000 blk of Dunbar Rd due to a citizen complaint that a subject would not move out of the roadway for passing vehicles. Upon arrival the individual was continuing down the middle of the roadway and would not move when deputies requested. The subject, who had an active warrant, then fled into the wood line. He was pursued on foot when he tripped and fell. He still would not comply attempting to assault the deputies and a taser was deployed. He was lodged in the Calloway County Detention Center on the below listed charges.
Joshua Richardson, 38
Shawano, WI
Calloway County Bench Warrant (Failure to Appear for Assault 4th Deg Domestic Viol)
Fleeing or Evading Police 2nd Deg (On Foot)
Assault 3rd Deg of a Police Officer (Attempt)
Resisting Arrest
Disorderly Conduct 1st Deg
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'RICHARDSON JOSHUA'