February 8, 2023
On December 10, 2021, Mayfield and Graves County were dealt a devastating blow when a large section of Graves County was struck by an EF-4 tornado. We can still look around our town and our county and see the signs of destruction from trees that were turned into splinters to houses and buildings that were reduced to piles of rubble. However, we are not able to look around Mayfield and Graves County and see evidence of our greatest loss from the tornado. We, as a community, lost 24 precious individuals in the December 10, 2021 tornado. Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandparents, spouses, friends and co-workers were all lost that night among the destruction that plagued our county.
The Purchase Player Community Performing Arts Center and Mayfield Lions Club want to make sure that none of these 24 individuals are ever forgotten. These two non-profit organizations are partnering together to start a Buddy Bench Project to honor the memories of those we lost in the tornado in December of 2021. Our goal is to collect and recycle plastic bottle caps to make benches to be placed throughout our community in memory of each person who perished in the tornado.
We need your help! We need your clean and dry plastic bottle caps and lids to help complete this project. This is not a small task. In order to manufacture a six-foot Buddy Bench, 200 pounds of plastic bottle caps and lids are required. For those of you that are not quick at math, that is a total of 4,800 pounds of plastic bottle caps and lids or another way to look at it is just under two and a half tons of plastic bottle caps and lids.
We have already had one bench donated by Sammie’s Buddy Bench Project, but we still have a long way to go. Those who wish to donate bottle caps and lids to this project can deliver them to 501 West James Street, which is the old Mayfield Vet Clinic. There is a plastic barrel on the west side of this building with a sign designating the barrel as the drop off location. You may also message the Mayfield Lions Club Facebook page to have larger amounts of bottle caps and lids picked up.
We know this project is a huge undertaking, but we want to make sure we never forget those that the tornado took from us in December of 2021.
For more information please call Mayfield Lions Club President Jeremy Prince at 270-619-6306 or by email at lionjeremyprince@gmail.com or Purchase Players Community Performing Arts Center Board Member Jaime Prince at 270-705-4205.