On December 2, 2022, A deputy with McCracken County Sheriff’s Department conducted a traffic stop on a 2001 Ford Explorer for traffic violations. In the course of the stop the passenger was identified Nichole D Stewart out of Brookport Illinois. It was revealed that Nichole D Stewart had a felony warrant out of Illinois and McCracken. In the course of the investigation deputies located numerous drug paraphernalia, marijuana, methamphetamine and pills. Nichole D Stewart was lodged into McCracken County Regional Jail. Arrested: Nichole D Stewart. Charges: Possession of Controlled Substance, 2st Offense (Drug Unspecified) Possession of Controlled Substance 1st Degree 1st Offense (Drug Unspecified) Possession of Controlled Substance 1st Degree 1st Offense (Methamphetamine) Possession if Marijuana Drug Paraphernalia Buy/Possess Both Felony Warrants were served.
Thank you, Deputy J Hartman U/18 McCracken County Sheriff’s Office |