Western Kentucky will host the 2022 Kentucky Bicycle and Bikeway Commission (KBBC) Annual Meeting Thursday, October 6th and Friday October 7th at the Calvert City Civic Center, 991 5th Ave SE in Calvert City.
The conference which is open to the public is designed for bicyclists, transportation planners, engineers, planners, government officials, educators, public health advocates and others who want to learn how bicycling can have a positive impact on their community.
This yearly gathering theoretically rotates regularly to different parts of the state, but this year marks the first time in three decades it has been scheduled at a location west of Owensboro. Calvert City was chosen as the 2022 site to highlight the numerous bike facilities and advancements in western Kentucky.
This year’s meeting will begin with a workshop on Thursday Oct. 6th for the Commissioners. The public is invited to attend Friday Oct 7th to learn about the newly released Complete Streets, Roads and Highways Manual and Policy and how the KYTC is incorporating all users in the design and reconstruction of KY’s streets, roads and highways. In fact, the theme of the Annual Meeting is Complete the Street-Biking’s Future in KY. Featured speaker will be Jason Siwula, Deputy State Highway Engineer. Participants will also hear about goals, strategies and ideas for the important issues and challenges facing bicycling in the Commonwealth.
Participants will then learn about programs, projects and plans from other communities across Kentucky, including a new statewide master plan.
The commission is composed of seven members representing various regions of the state. The commission has three primary duties: (a) Representing the interests of bicyclists in advising the Secretary of the Transportation Cabinet on all matters pertaining to bicycles, bikeways, and their use, extent, and location; (b) Assisting the bicycle and bikeway program in the exercise of its duties within the cabinet; (c) Promoting the best interests of the bicycling public, within the context of the total transportation system, to governing officials and the public at large.
The commission is also responsible for administering the Paula Nye Memorial Education Grant, which supports bicycle and pedestrian safety education. The grant is funded through sales of Kentucky’s Share the Road license plate.
Persons interested in attending Friday for all or part of the day can find the agenda and registration at: