Bonnie Kincannon and LeeAnn Ferguson with the Women of the Aurora Community Park Activities Committee (WACPAC) joined Chris Freeland recently on WCBL’s Coffee Call program.


WACPAC presents their 5th Annual Chainsaw Carving Competition Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 14-16 at the Kenlake State Resort Park Tennis Center. Bonnie Kincannon and LeeAnn Ferguson with the Women of the Aurora Community Park Activities Committee (WACPAC) joined Chris Freeland recently on WCBL’s Coffee Call program. Thirteen carvers this year from all across the country. Friday from 9 to 6, Saturday carving will take place from 9 to 2 with the auction Saturday at approximately 5 pm. Vendors, food trucks, bouncy houses and more. Call Bonnie for more information at 270-205-1501or go to the WACPAC Facebook page.

Listen to a portion of the Coffee Call interview by following the link at the bottom of the homepage of And listen to Coffee Call live each weekday morning at 8:30 on AM 1290 WCBL and 99.1 FM WCBL.