Mike Miller Park in Draffenville is going to be a busy place the rest of the year. Parks Director Britney Hargrove joined us recently on WCBL’s Coffee Call program. Senior Weekly Game Days will begin at the visitors center Wednesdays in October from 9 ’til 11. And the Boo Bash will be Saturday, October 22nd at the park with a haunted trail, pumpkin decorating contest, maze, food trucks and lots more. And of course Christmas in the Park will be happening this year with all the beautiful lights, snow and some other surprises. To find out more about these events and others, go to www.marshallcountyparks.org or call 270-527-5284.
Listen to a portion of the Coffee Call interview by following the link at the bottom of the homepage of www.marshallcountydaily.com. And listen to Coffee Call live each weekday morning at 8:30 on AM 1290 WCBL and 99.1 FM WCBL.