Positive COVID cases dropped slightly in August in Marshall County

Billy Pitts, Public Health Director with the Marshall County Health Department reports the number of positive cases for COVID slightly dropped again for August with a total of 248 compared to 293 in July and 312 in June. Pitts said this is a good trend but notes, however, that the number of positive cases for school-aged children doubled from 21 in July to 42 in August. On a positive note, Marshall County has once again entered the medium/yellow zone for transmission levels. Marshall County has been in the red zone for the past several weeks.

Here is the data for Marshall County as of today (Sept. 1, 2022)

Total COVID Cases 9,571 (Increase of 248)

Current Active Cases 88 (Increase of 3)

Hospitalizations in August 9 (Decrease of 1)

Total COVID related deaths 121 (Increase of 4)


Aug 2022

Jul 2022

Jun 2022

May 2022

Apr 2022

Cases for the month






COVID related Deaths






42 of the COVID cases for August were school-age children; double the number of school-age children in July.

As of 8/31/2022 Moderna and Pfizer bivalent boosters were authorized by the FDA for individuals 12 years of age and older. At the same time, monovalent mRNA COVID vaccines are no longer authorized for booster in individuals 12 years of age and older. We will notify the public when we have the bivalent vaccine available at the Marshall County Health Department.

New guidance regarding isolation and quarantine was released in early August. That information is also available on our webpage and attached with this message.

Monkeypox is spreading across the United States. There are nearly 19,000 confirmed cases in the U.S. with 31 confirmed cases in Kentucky. More information about monkeypox, primary populations affected, how it is spread, availability of vaccine, who is eligible for vaccine, etc. can be found at the KDPH webpage (https://chfs.ky.gov/agencies/dph/dehp/idb/Pages/monkeypox.aspx). This link is also available on our webpage at marshallcohealthdepartment.com.

Disclaimer: All information in this update is point-in-time data. Information changes daily.