On July 19, 2022, at approximately 7:50 AM, Graves County Deputies were dispatched to a collision with injuries on Kentucky 80 East near Central Road involving a vehicle and bicycle.
Deputes arrived and discovered Riley Willett, 29 of Mayfield, was traveling on KY-80 when she looked down and struck a bicyclist. The bicycle was operated by Kimberly West, 55 of Mayfield.
Mrs. West had lacerations and abrasions that were sustained during the collision. Due to precautionary measures, Mrs. West was flown to an out of state hospital for evaluation of possible internal and head injuries. Mrs. Willett was not injured in the collision. One Westbound lane was closed during the initial investigation.
Graves County Deputy Sheriff Zac Smoth investigated this collision. He was assisted at the scene by the Mayfield Fire Department, Mayfield/Graves County EMS, the Mayfield Police Department, and Mayfield / Graves County Rescue Squad.