Deputy Witherspoon was called upon to assist after some military ordnance was located

The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office wishes to thank the 184th Ordnance Battalion, 49th OD CO (EOD) out of Ft. Campbell for assisting Deputies Joe Witherspoon and Seth P’Pool this evening near Old Eddyville.
Deputy Witherspoon was called upon to assist after some military ordnance was located with some private property of a recently deceased veteran. The ordnance consisted of numerous items including yellow banded TNT tubes, hand grenades, M117 booby trap devices, military grade blasting caps and other various explosive devices.
The EOD technicians rendered the devices safe and removed them to Ft. Campbell for destruction. No charges are expected to be filed with this incident. If you or a family member come upon explosive devices, please do not touch or move them. Call law enforcement so the appropriate measures can be taken to render them safe.
Sheriff Brent White