ALERT: i-24 Westbound Restricted to One Lane by Multi-Vehicle Crash at 42mm in Lyon County


Kentucky Transportation Cabinet

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet • District 1


Estimated duration is 6 hours

PADUCAH, Ky. (July 17, 2022) Interstate 24 westbound is restricted to one lane due to a multi-vehicle crash near the 42-mile marker in Lyon County.

This is along I-24 westbound between the KY 293 Eddyville-Princeton Exit 45 Interchange at the I-24/ I-69 Exit 42 Interchange.

The left-hand or passing lane is open at this time.

The crash involved a SEMI and a couple of passenger vehicles.  The SEMI was pulling a tanker loaded with hydrochloric acid.  During the crash, the tanker separated from the tractor rig and landed in a ditch.  Emergency responders on site do not believe any of the hazardous material load is leaking.  However, it will take a hazmat team and specialized equipment to off-load the tanker.

Appropriate caution is required where equipment and emergency personnel are along the roadway in close proximity to traffic flow.

Again, at this time westbound traffic on I-24 is restricted to one lane at this crash site with all traffic moved to the left-hand or passing lane.

Estimated duration is 6 hours or approximately 11:30 a.m., CDT.

Should this crash site lane restriction create a backup as traffic volume ramps up this morning, westbound traffic on I-24 may self-detour at the KY 293 Eddyville-Princeton Exit to take KY 293 North, then follow KY 93 North to U.S. 62 West to return to I-24 Westbound at Exit 40.

Updates as new information becomes available.