Kentucky Secretary of State; Election Reform

The 2022 General Assembly was another great session for Kentucky voters. House Bill 564 and Senate Bill 216 passed with bipartisan support, as did House Bill 1, the state budget. Together, they will improve both voter access and election security.

House Bill 564:

  • Clarifies early voting locations must be open for 8 hours
  • Adds 6 days of in-person absentee voting before early voting starts
  • Codifies existing policy of not connecting voting machines to the internet, and makes it a felony to connect a voting machine to the internet
  • Includes legal protections of election workers from harassment and intimidation

Senate Bill 216:

  • Doubles number of counties subjected to post-election audit
  • Moves up full transition to paper ballots to January 1, 2024
  • Places voting machines under video surveillance when not in operation

House Bill 1

  • Appropriates $25 million for new voting machines
  • Allocates an additional $500,000 for cleaning up voter rolls

Poll Workers Needed

It takes 15,000 poll workers to run an election in Kentucky. There is still time to volunteer to serve as a poll worker for the upcoming Primary Election. We’ve removed the partisan barrier for serving as a poll worker, allowing the more than 300,000 Kentuckians not registered as Democrats or Republicans to volunteer. Sign up here.