Calvert City Lions Club announces Grand Marshal of Christmas Parade

The Calvert City Lions Club will sponsor its 62nd annual Christmas parade on Saturday, December 4 along Fifth Ave in Calvert City.  Gene Colburn, mayor of Calvert City, will be the Grand Marshal.

Colburn became Calvert City’s Mayor after the untimely death of Lynn Jones in January of this year. Colburn thinks the surrounding area is a great place to raise a family. As a life-long resident of Calvert City, he served 12 years on the Calvert City Council before being appointed mayor. Gene and his wife, Suzy, have a son and daughter, Jordan and Sydney, and two grandchildren. They enjoy boating, traveling, and walking their ‘Derby-dog’ in the parks. Colburn is also the plant manager of Estron in Calvert City.

“I’m honored to be recognized as this year’s Grand Marshal. I have many memories of both watching the Christmas parade and being a part of it. Calvert City will end its Sesquicentennial year with the Lions Club Parade and Tree Lighting. I can’t think of a better way to end the celebration.” said Colburn.

Businesses, churches, and organizations are encouraged to enter a float in the parade. The parade entries are requested to assemble at Pathway Baptist Church at 4:45 pm. There is no pre-registration for the parade. Floats will be judged at 5:30 p.m. with the parade kicking off at 6:00 p.m.  This year’s theme is “Coming home for Christmas” and all entries are asked to keep this in mind when constructing their floats.  Cash prizes will be awarded to outstanding floats.  Float entries other than the Lions Club’s float may not include Santa Claus.

The parade route will begin at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and KY 95 and then proceed along Fifth Avenue to the Calvert City Civic Center where Santa will meet with the children and the Calvert City Lions will provide free hotdogs and drinks to all participants.

For more information regarding the parade, please contact (270) 556-9279.