Meteorologist Beau Dodson joined us recently on WCBL’s Coffee Call program. Dodson says so far the area has been spared from severe weather, although Calloway County had some 100 mph winds earlier this year that downed trees and caused some damage to homes and outbuildings. And despite the dry spell to the west of us, Dodson says we have been blessed with plenty of rainfall here in the local area. He said the worst drought that he has witnessed was in 1988. Dodson says even though technology has made weather forecasting better, there are still times when weather can be difficult to predict to an exact degree. You can follow Dodson and the weather on his Face Book page, Beau Dodson Weather.
Listen to the full Coffee Call interview by following the link at the bottom of the homepage of marshallcountydaily.com. And listen to Coffee Call live each weekday morning at 8:30 on AM 1290 WCBL and 99.1 FM WCBL.