Kyndall Cybulski, Gabbi Lovett, and Faith Pratt are recipients of the 2021 Pat and Bobby Cole Scholarships given by the Marshall County Republican Women. They were recognized at a recent Awards Ceremony and were presented their awards. All three girls graduated from Marshall County High School.
Kyndall Cybulski is the daughter of Tina and Jonathon Gray and will be attending the University of Kentucky. Gabbi Lovett is the daughter of Lisa and Trent Lovett and will be attending the University of Mississippi. Faith Pratt is the daughter of Melanie Grimes and Kenny Pratt and will be attending West Kentucky Community and Technical College.
Scholarship applications for the 2022 Pat and Bobby Cole Scholarships will be available after the first of the year for graduating Senior girls of Marshall County. Information on applying will be announced at that time. Scholarship committee members are Barbara Fielder, Chair, Mary Pitts and Roberta Lewellyn, members.
Monies for the Scholarships are raised through various fundraising events during the year. Marshall County Republican Women meet on the second Monday of the month at Republican Headquarters on the Benton Court Square at 11:30 AM. All interested women are invited to attend.