FRANKFORT, Ky. (March 15, 2020) – Today, Gov. Andy Beshear updated Kentuckians on the state’s ongoing response to limit the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and said the state has three additional positive cases.
As of 5 p.m. ET Sunday more tests results were received, bringing the state’s total to 21 with two new positive cases in Jefferson County and one in Clark County.
“I am not going to be the governor who acts two weeks too late,” Gov. Beshear said. “I will continue to act swiftly to limit the spread and reduce the risk to Kentuckians, particularly those vulnerable populations. My promise to Kentuckians is we will work through this together and make sure we get through this.”
Gov. Beshear said that while the state’s first patient fully recovered from the virus, he continues to take aggressive action to protect Kentuckians. Unfortunately, another of the 21 patients is in critical condition and is not expected to recover. Beshear said that while the coronavirus is not the only factor in that individual’s condition, it is a contributing factor.
After attending a recent event in Louisville where someone who attended later tested positive, Gov. Beshear tested negative on Saturday and is not showing any symptoms.
Gov. Beshear said 14 of the 16 Kentuckians who were on the Grand Princess cruise ship are on their way back to the state. He said two other Kentuckians, who were at a different Air Force base, will return Monday.
“These are our people. I don’t think they have been treated the way they should,” Gov. Beshear said. “This is happening because I have demanded it and our commissioner of health has demanded it.”
Gov. Beshear urged people not to unnecessarily buy large amounts of food and household items, making it unavailable for others.
“Fear can cause more harm than this virus ever will. I am asking everyone to be a good neighbor,” he said. “We take care of each other in this state.”
Gov. Beshear asked people to be responsible and not pack in to restaurants and bars. He said he would be forced to follow Ohio and shut down restaurants if people do not listen.
“We are asking people to make major sacrifices in this state. We are shutting down schools for a couple of weeks,” Gov. Beshear said in talking about the difficult but necessary steps he has taken to stop the spread and protect Kentuckians.
Gov. Beshear said one person, who tested positive at UofL, left against medical advice and returned to his home in Nelson County. The Lincoln Trail District Health Department asked him to self-quarantine, but he refused. The Cabinet for Health and Family Services is currently working with the local county attorney and county judge-executive to obtain an order to force him to quarantine in his home.
As of 5 p.m. ET, March 15, the state’s current COVID-19 patient information includes:
Harrison, F, 27, out of hospital and fully recovered
Fayette, M, 40
Jefferson, M, 69
Harrison, F, 67
Harrison, M, 68
Fayette, M, 46
Harrison, F, 54
Harrison, M, 60
Harrison, M, 51
Fayette, F, 31
Jefferson, F, 67
Bourbon, M, 66
Jefferson, F, 68
Jefferson, F, 80
Nelson, M, 53
Montgomery, M, 56
Fayette, M, 47
Fayette, M, 31
Clark, M, 49
Jefferson, F, 73
The governor said he knows people are anxious and their lives are being disrupted.
“We have released tips and guidance for good mental health and to relieve anxiety during this period of time. We know we will get through this,” Gov. Beshear said. “Mental health is going to be critically important in getting through this. Make sure that you do things that help your mental health.”