A listing of local service changes in schedule or cancellations for the week of Sunday, Mar. 22. We will continue to add to and update this list.
Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, Gilbertsville
No Wednesday Night AWANAS until Marshall County School is back in session. We will still have Adult Prayer and Bible Study in the sanctuary at 6:30 PM Wednesday’s
First Baptist Church, Calvert City
Sun., March 15: Morning worship service at 10:15 am. Sunday Bible Study and all evening activities are cancelled.
First Baptist Church, Benton
Sunday, Mar. 22 schedule:
10:45 Service on WCBL 99.1, 11:00 Facebook livestream
First Christian Church, Benton
No services, Sunday, Mar. 22.
Hardin Baptist Church, Hardin
Will not physically gather on Sunday. Will live-stream the service on their Facebook page Sunday morning at 9:15 am.
Briensburg Baptist Church, Briensburg
Sunday, Mar. 22 – 11:00 am worship service on Inspiration Channel 93 and Facebook live.
Sharpe Missionary Baptist, Sharpe
Sun., March 22: Service at 11:00 live on the church’s Facebook page. No church services, no Awana, no meal this Wednesday, March 18th. SMBC will follow the Marshall Co. School’s schedule for Wednesday night’s services until further notice.
Pathway Baptist Church, Calvert City
Sunday, Mar. 22 – 10:30 am worship service at Calvert City Drive-in from your car.
Benton Church of Christ, Benton
No services Sunday or Wednesday the week of Mar. 15. Devotional message at 9:30 am Sunday morning on livestream and WITB radio.
Calvert City Church of Christ, Calvert City
Normal Sunday morning schedule for both Bible class and worship. Taking special precautions with the elements of the Lord’s Supper. Will not meet Sunday or Wednesday evening.
Little Cypress Baptist Church, Calvert City
Will meet for worship Sunday morning, Mar. 15 at 10:45 and 6:00 tomorrow evening as usual.
Twin Lakes Worship Center, Benton
Sunday, Mar. 15 normal schedule
Benton First United Methodist Church, Benton
Live on-line worship service, Mar. 22 at 8:30 am
First Baptist Church, Paducah
All services moved to on-line/television format until further notice.
Trace Creek Baptist Church, Mayfield
Regular schedule, Sunday, Mar. 15
Waldo Baptist Church, Metropolis, Ill.
On-line services only, Sunday, Mar. 15 at 10:00 am. No Wednesday evening service.