UPDATE: Marshall County Public Library will be closing all branches to the public beginning on Monday, March 16.
Benton, KY. – Years after the planning process began and a month after shutting down the 1003 Poplar Street location, the Marshall County Public Library at Benton is set to open doors to the public at 1150 Birch Street. The library’s new location will begin serving patrons on Tuesday, March 17, 2020. The new facility contains twice as much space as the previous location and boasts multiple meeting rooms, a MakerSpace, and increased area for the library’s collection of books, DVDs, and other circulating materials.
“We are excited to introduce this new facility to the public,” states Kristi Tucker, Director of the Marshall County Public Library. “However, we regret that this exciting moment for our library is coming at the same time that a serious health threat is causing us to take a step back from our programming.”
Incoming Director Tammy Blackwell states that Marshall County Public Library has been closely following and monitoring COVID-19 updates to ensure the safety of all library patrons and staff. Under the recommendation of Governor Beshear for all Kentuckians to avoid crowds and large gatherings, MCPL has decided to suspend all library programs beginning Monday, March 16.
“For now, all other library services will continue as normal,” says Blackwell. “As this situation changes, we may see a need to adjust and adapt other areas to ensure the safety of our patrons and staff. We regret having to cancel any services, but we believe it is in the best interest of public safety to discontinue all library-sponsored programs until further notice.”
The library asks that everyone familiarize themselves with the information made available through the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Human Services’ website at kyCOVID19.ky.gov, and adhere to their Community Guidance standards. Persons exhibiting signs of illness are asked to not enter the library. Those who are worried about exposure are encouraged to call the library and arrange for their hold or requested material to be delivered to them in the parking lot.
“Our main goal is to keep everyone healthy and safe,” says Tucker.
Patrons are encouraged to take advantage of MCPL’s eBook collection and other digital services, which can be accessed through the library’s website at www.marshallcolibrary.org.
Marshall County Public Library will continue to monitor the situation as it unfolds and make future decisions based on the recommendations of the Marshall County Health Department and Governor Beshear.