PADUCAH, KY — Planning is underway to honor veterans with a full day of events on Veterans Day. The Paducah American Hero Veterans Day Celebration will begin early on November 11 with a sunrise service at the riverfront followed by a breakfast at the Julian Carroll Convention Center for veterans and their friends and family.
At 9 a.m., there will be an awards ceremony at the Schroeder Expo Center which includes honoring the recipients of the Distinguished Veteran and Patriot Awards. The deadline is October 11 to nominate a veteran for the Distinguished Veteran Award and a non-veteran who dedicates his or her time to serving veterans and veteran causes for the Patriot Award. The award ceremony also will honor the winners of the annual student poster and essay contest organized by the Daughters of the American Revolution.
The annual Veterans Day Parade will take place at 11 a.m. with the parade beginning at Dolly McNutt Memorial Plaza and traveling along 6th Street to the Expo Center. The deadline to submit an entry form to participate in the parade is October 18.
Events will continue on November 11 with a program during the afternoon providing middle and high school students an opportunity to interact with veterans. The day concludes with the American Hero Concert from 6 until 8 p.m. featuring the Community Concert Band and the 101st Airborne Sustainment Brigade Army Band.
Over the past few months, representatives from several organizations have been meeting to plan the Paducah American Hero Veterans Day Celebration. The organizations include WPSD, Paducah Sun,
City of Paducah, McCracken County, Paducah-McCracken County Convention & Expo Center, 101st Airborne Sustainable Brigade, Milner & Orr, DAV, VVA, DAR, and VFW.
For more information about the Paducah American Hero Veterans Day Celebration including the parade entry and award nomination forms, visit