Barkley Regional Airport awarded $80,000 PACRO grant

PACRO Chairman Kevin Neal presents check to Barkley Regional Airport Executive Director, Dennis Rouleau

The Paducah Area Community Reuse Organization, PACRO, awarded new grants to recipients on Thursday, September 19th.

Mayor of Metropolis, Billy McDaniel, was presented with two grants in the amounts of $80,000 and $200,000 to be allocated for the economic development of two startup businesses. McCracken County was awarded two grants in the amounts of $10,000 and $15,000 to be used for a sports market study and a build grant application.

The Barkley Regional Airport was awarded a grant in the amount of $80,000 to assist in building a new, much needed terminal. PACRO members from McCracken, Ballard, Graves, Marshall and Metropolis each contributed $16,000 from their proceeds of the insulating oil sale to fund the $80,000 grant. These members all agreed that assisting Barkley Regional Airport is important to all of the surrounding communities, being a major asset for economic development in the region.